
"...speaking the truth in love" Eph. 4:15

About Us at Cape Fear!

What To Expect When You Visit Us!

    One word characterizes the fellowship and worship one can find at the Cape Fear church of Christ....simple! When a congregation follows the leadership of Jesus the Christ (Matthew 28:18), then things become very simple (John 14:15). We accept anyone that wishes to worship with us. The door is always open and the people are always friendly and welcoming.
    Our building is very simple. We have modern conveniences, and even technology incorporated into the worship, but everything still remains simple. Just a few steps are necessary to see the entire building, and we can accommodate up to 250 worshippers!
    Our worship is simple. It is based upon the directions and examples given in the Law of Christ, the New Testament (Colossians 3:17).

  • We PRAY - Christians are told to “continue in prayer” (Colossians 4:2), and to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Those prayers are offered to the Father through, or by, the authority of Christ (Ephesians 5:20).
  • We SING - No place in the New Testament is there one mention of a mechanical instrument seen or heard in the worship of God. There is, however, singing (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). The First Century Christians sang in their worship services as is stated in Hebrews 2:12. Therefore, all our singing is a capella.
  • We partake of the LORD’S SUPPER - When the early church assembled on the first day of the week, it was to partake of the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7). They used the commands of Jesus as He instituted this supper on the night that he was betrayed. There were two elements of His supper: unleavened bread and unfermented grape juice (also referred to as wine or fruit of the vine).
  • We offer a CONTRIBUTION - The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth and told them that they were to do as he had already instructed other congregations; namely, they were to give a weekly contribution (1 Corinthians 16:1,2). This collection was to be of church members only. We, nor any churches of Christ, will solicit funds of non-members. If there is a desire to give, it will not be turned down, but there is also no pressure applied to shame one to fund the church.
  • We PREACH CHRIST - The Gospel of Christ is the fundamental core of all teaching done in our assembly (1 Corinthians 15:3,4). We do love to study and learn from the Old Testament (Romans 15:4), but our focus remains on Christ (1 Corinthians 2:2), His sacrifice and His resurrection from the dead, giving us hope of eternal life.

    Our worship services are ever guided by the scripture, “Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). Our services are not loud and boisterous, yet neither are they pretentious and ceremonially driven. It is simply Christians giving praise and honor to God with all their heart as authorized by the Word of God (John 4:23,24; Romans 10:17).

Sun. Morning:

class - 9 A.M.

worship - 10 A.M.

Sun. Evening:

worship - 5 P.M.

Wed. Evening:

class - 7 P.M.


Welcome Packet

We are glad you found us! It is our sincere hope and prayer that you find the resources we offer to be of great benefit to you.

If you have any questions about a sermon, the Bible, our website, or our faith, we would love to hear from you. Please,log on to our website and send an inquiry through the contact us tab.

See the Welcome Packet!



The Cape Fear church of Christ host many activities throughout the year!

Browse the calendar for the activities of this congregation throughout 2016. These activities are for the good for the enrichment of Christians in areas of: fellowship, instruction and love for God.

View our Calendar



Want to know more about the Lord's church? Check out these educational links.

These links are resources on issues of: creation evidences, morality, general Bible understanding and the church!

Good News TV | Fisher's of Men

Apologetics Press | Light Network

GBN | World Video Bible School

Memphis School of Preaching